Advil UGC Terms and conditions
The Haleon group of companies (“Haleon”) has contacted you to obtain your permission to use your social media content, also known as, User Generated Content (“UGC”) for the purposes set out below in its digital and physical content for Advil. You have been provided access to this webpage because Haleon has requested your permission to use your UGC to promote its Advil branded products.
Changes to the terms
Haleon reserves the right to alter these Terms of Use without advance notice. Accordingly, you should review the Terms of Use each time you grant permission to feature your Materials.
How to grant permission?
If you permit Haleon to use your UGC, please reply to our Direct Message by hashtagging #IAgree. By replying with the hashtag #IAgree you agree to the following Terms of Use:
What can be used by Haleon, where and for how long?
You hereby give and grant to Haleon, and their respective licensees, successors, and assigns a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable, sublicensable right, but not obligation, to use your UGC [referenced in our Direct Message] and to use and publish your name, likeness and/or voice, and any simulation thereof, and/or photographs or video of you (collectively, the “Material”) as set out below.
This means that, while you will retain ownership of your Material, our right to use and display the Material will not expire, we will not owe you any money for its use, and we may allow others to use the Material.
How your Material can be used?
You acknowledge and agree that Haleon may use and/or publish the Material individually or with others, in any format, including print media, social media, televised media and other electronic media, for any and all purposes, including without limitation, in connection with various informational messages and/or promotional campaigns that may be conducted by Haleon from time to time in various geographical locations, including but not limited to the United States. Your UGC may be used by Haleon in both physical and digital content including on product packaging, in advertising, email, or promotions, and/or on websites and social media accounts (including, without limitation, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, and Twitter).
You agree that Haleon may distribute, edit, reproduce, manipulate, alter, dub, otherwise change or create derivative works from the Material for any purpose and you waive a) any right to inspect or approve the Material prior to use, and b) any and all moral rights in and to the Material.
Your rights to allow use by Haleon
You warrant and represent that agreeing to these terms does not in any way conflict with any existing commitment on your part, that you may have made to other individuals, entities, parties or other brands (e.g. any sponsorship agreement), that you are solely responsible for and are the sole, original creator of the Material and that you are free to grant the rights provided in these Terms of Use. You represent and warrant that the Material does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others. You represent and warrant that you and/or any other individuals in the Material are 18 years of age or older, you own and/or have permission to depict any animals/pets in the Material, are competent to agree to these terms and conditions and are authorized to grant the rights to the content contained in the Material, which shall include the rights of any other individuals appearing in your Material, all of whom are at least 18 years of age.
You also hereby understand and agree to release and discharge Haleon and its respective directors, officers, employees, agents, licensees, successors, and assigns from any and all claims, proceedings, demands, causes of action, costs, damages and/or expenses that you may have or may have hereafter, related to the following non-inclusive list: libel, defamation, invasion of privacy, intellectual property infringement, infringement of copyright or violation of any other right arising out of any exhibition, use, publicity or promotion of the Material.
No fees payable or obligation to use
You understand and agree that no additional monetary or other consideration is owed to you by Haleon or any other party in connection with these terms.
You understand and agree that there is no obligation for Haleon to use the Material or credit you for use of the Material and your name and/or username, social media handle or image, may not appear on reproductions or representations of the Material.
You acknowledge and agree that, following dissemination by Haleon, Haleon is unable to prevent and shall not be held liable for, nor have a duty to police or seek removal of, any use made by third parties of the Material (alone, combined with other elements and/or works, or integrated in a larger unit or work) except where Haleon has expressly granted rights to use to the applicable third party (although Haleon shall alert you should it become aware of any suspected misuse(s) of your Material).
If you have any concerns about these Terms of Use or the use of your UGC, please contact 1-800-88-ADVIL.
For more information about our copyright policy and rights and obligations pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, see https://www.advil.com/UGC-Terms-and-conditions/.